Fixation Images 

Thank you so much for visiting my site! I have a true passion for photography and would love to help you capture your memories and special moments as well as help you start your business, advertise and begin or add to your portfolio. 

I provide services for:

*New additions to the family
*Family events
*Corporate events
*Company Photos
*Landscape Photos
*Architecture Photos

*Portfolio Photos and/or head shots
**I also offer new model sessions if you would like to inquire as I have quite a bit of experience in this area.

You will receive photos and/or prints withing 2 weeks of our session with the exception of larger projects.

Models, if you come to me with a creative submission idea, I would love to work on projects with you to submit for possible publication where I will provide you a copy if printed after our session. 

I can't wait to collaborate with you!

AprilAnn Dais